Friday, July 02, 2010

# 3 Su Bollo y la Taza del Té sin una Manzana y una Naranja (Your Scone and Tea Cup without an Apple and an Orange)

This is the delicious cranberry orange walnut scone, freshly prepared by me that was never eaten.

The title of the artwork is
Su Bollo y la Taza del Té sin una Manzana y una Naranja
(Your Scone and Tea Cup without an Apple and an Orange)

It is sized 5" x 6"
I put the cranberry, orange, walnut scone on a black plate along with a white tea cup onto a blue checkered table cloth.
The black shiny plate caught subtle reflections.

I did eat another scone with a cup of iced coffee today. I have 15 other scones that I won't eat, for dietary reasons. You are welcome to them, as long as you clean up the kitchen while I paint. :-)

The scone that I ate was delicious.
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